Mask II—2017—50x25cm—ceramic and sewings mixed media

Mask I—2017—60x15cm—ceramic and sewings mixed media

Woman With Child ll—80x90cm—2016—oil and mixed media on canvas

Woman With Child lll—80x90cm—2016—oil and mixed media on canvas

Woman With Child l—80x90cm—2016—oil and mixed media on canvas

Mask IV—2017—50x80cm—ceramic, sewings, croched and mixed media

Ghosts—2017—glazed ceramic and mixed media

Wall Jewel Vl—2017—16x11,5cm—glazed ceramic, cotton thread and plastic

Mask III—2017—50x30cm—ceramic and sewings mixed media

On Stage—2017—31x23cm—monoprint

On Stage II—2017—35x25cm—monoprint & collage chocolate paper

On Stage III—2017—35x25cm—monoprint & collage chocolate paper

Eyes—2017—glazed ceramic